Legislature(1993 - 1994)

03/23/1993 03:35 PM Senate TRA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  The  next order  of  business was  SB  148 (ALASKA  RAILROAD                 
  CORPORATION).  SENATOR KERTTULA gave  committee members some                 
  information regarding the corporation.  CHAIRMAN SHARP asked                 
  Mr.  Hatfield  if  he  had  any  comments.    BOB  HATFIELD,                 
  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Alaska  Railroad                 
  Corporation,  indicated   the  committee  members   has  the                 
  corporation's position paper.   He  said he would  highlight                 
  some of the corporation's concerns relating  to SB 148.  Mr.                 
  Hatfield  said he  is  troubled  by  the  sense  of  urgency                 
  surrounding  the  bill  and  questions  the  need  for  such                 
  urgency.  The  state law  that created  the Alaska  Railroad                 
  took four years to write and pass, which doesn't include the                 
  time spent  with the  federal government  which allowed  the                 
  Transfer Act to  begin.  The Alaska Railroad Corporation Act                 
  was  considered  by and  debated  in  both chambers  of  the                 
  twelfth   and  thirteenth   legislatures   headed  by   both                 
  Republicans  and  Democrats.   The  bill  was  also reviewed                 
  officially and unofficially  by an array of  industry, civic                 
  groups,  and  government  bodies  to  ensure that  the  best                 
  possible environment would  be created  for such a  delicate                 
  business as a  railroad.  There is  now a bill, which  is in                 
  its  third  week  of  existence,  that would  make  sweeping                 
  changes to the  Corporation Act.   To date, the only  public                 
  testimony that has  been heard by the  Senate Transportation                 
  Committee is that given by a union employee, several members                 
  of one interest group, and himself.  Mr. Hatfield said he is                 
  troubled by some of the contents  in the bill.  Federal  law                 
  mandates that the Alaska Railroad Corporation be entitled to                 
  engage in all business opportunities available to comparable                 
  railroads.    State  law dictates  that  the  corporation be                 
  allowed to conduct its business consistent with that federal                 
  law.   State law  further dictates  that the corporation  be                 
  self  sustaining while  prudently  operating  a railroad  in                 
  accordance  with sound business  practices.  He  said in his                 
  view, there is a very good reason for  the provisions in the                 
  two laws  that created the Alaska Railroad Corporation.  Mr.                 
  Hatfield said all  the study and  debate that went into  the                 
  creation of the  railroad uncovers  the fact that  railroads                 
  need to use all assets available  to them in order to remain                 
  viable  and  competitive.     Undue  restrictions  of  their                 
  activities can bring them down.                                              
  Mr. Hatfield said SB  148, in its present form,  would cause                 
  the legislature  to have to  approve the capital  budget for                 
  the Alaska  Railroad Corporation each  year.  It  would also                 
  make it difficult of  the corporation to effect  large scale                 
  emergency  repairs to  docks,  buildings, and  right-of-ways                 
  without sacrificing all other investments for that year and,                 
  perhaps subsequent years.   SB 148 would prohibit the Alaska                 
  Railroad  Corporation from  taking  advantage of  attractive                 
  deals  for acquisition of  equipment when they  arrive.  The                 
  bill would  put tremendous  pressure on  the corporation  to                 
  increase revenues solely for the purpose of avoiding leasing                 
  or  borrowing.    Mr.  Hatfield  said traditionally  in  the                 
  transportation industry,  revenues are  increased either  by                 
  increasing or lowering rates according to market conditions.                 
  It would force  the corporation to apply to  the legislature                 
  to  subsidize various aspects of  their business such as the                 
  Hurricane  Turn  and the  Whittier  Shuttle and  others that                 
  aren't  currently  compensatory  to avoid  borrowing.    Mr.                 
  Hatfield  said  it  may  cause  the  corporation  to  charge                 
  municipalities and other  public entities fair market  value                 
  for  permits  and leases  in order  to  make up  for revenue                 
  shortfalls  that  could be  caused  by some  aspects  of the                 
  legislation.  It  further would  provide a disincentive  for                 
  bankers  or  other financial  institutions,  to lend  to the                 
  corporation  for capital  projects for  fear that  all  or a                 
  portion  of  that  does  not  have  the  proper  legislative                 
  approval.  There may be other unintended results that cannot                 
  be adequately be addressed at this point due to the haste of                 
  which the legislation is being considered.                                   
  Mr. Hatfield said  it is troubling  to the corporation  that                 
  there is a phrase which limits them to railroad and railroad                 
  related transportation services  in the state.  He  said the                 
  phrase   "limited   to   railroad   and   railroad   related                 
  transportation services in the state"  can be interpreted to                 
  mean "no leasing of real estate  for any purpose, no drayage                 
  service, no marketing in  sales offices in the lower  48, no                 
  true rates for points off of the Alaska Railroad Corporation                 
  property, no  warehousing or  trans load  services could  be                 
  conducted outside of  the state, no charitable  fund raising                 
  activities, sponsorships..."   Mr. Hatfield  said one  final                 
  result  is  that  it was  and  still is  the  intent  of the                 
  legislation that created the Alaska Railroad  Corporation to                 
  sell the property at some point.  If the property isn't kept                 
  at its highest and best order  and if the corporation is not                 
  competitively viable as a railroad property, any chance that                 
  may exist for the sale of the property, if at the time seems                 
  the  appropriate  thing to  do,  would probably  be lessened                 
  rather than heightened by the legislation.                                   
  Mr.  Hatfield   said  currently  the  corporation   has  not                 
  considered  any  suggested  amendments  as  there  are  some                 
  confusing  aspects  surrounding  the  legislation  in   that                 
  originally when discussions  have occurred with  the Finance                 
  Committee and  others, the primary concern seems  to be that                 
  the Alaska  Railroad Corporation  had taken a  participatory                 
  interest in a hotel in Anchorage.  The  thought was that the                 
  corporation may be doing  that again in Fairbanks.   He said                 
  they  are  in the  process of  addressing  that issue.   Mr.                 
  Hatfield  said that  the corporation  was  hoping to  do is,                 
  thorough the committee  process, is perhaps  to get a  clear                 
  idea of  what results are  intended from the  legislation so                 
  that they could perhaps suggest  particular amendments if it                 
  is appropriate.                                                              
  TAPE 93-16, SIDE B                                                           
  SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS said the Alaska Railroad Corporation,                 
  the  Alaska Housing Corporation,  the Student  Loan Program,                 
  and AIDA have  to walk  that fine line  between private  and                 
  public.  He  said for the last two days he  asked for a page                 
  by page -line by line  suggestions from the Alaska  Railroad                 
  Corporation.  Most of  those requests were denied.   He said                 
  the  railroad is  not a  privately held corporation.   State                 
  statutes say the definition of  a "corporation" is "a public                 
  corporation and is an instrumentally of the state within the                 
  Department of Commerce  and Economic Development."   He said                 
  it was unfortunate that his request was denied.                              
  SENATOR KERTTULA said he  thinks it is a very  short time to                 
  expect a  detailed response  to each  and every  suggestible                 
  amendment.  He said there is a time that the railroad has to                 
  report and should report, but said  he doesn't believe it is                 
  the same as the function of  the other departments.  Senator                 
  Randy Phillips said he doesn't see  a difference between the                 
  Alaska  Railroad  Corporation,  Alaska Housing  Corporation,                 
  AIDA,  or  the  Student  Loan  Program.   All  of  them  are                 
  quasi/private  agencies.    There  was continued  discussion                 
  regarding requesting information from different agencies and                 
  policy issues.                                                               
  Number 052                                                                   
  SENATOR LINCOLN referred  to page  7, line 19,  and said  it                 
  requests that the  corporation must come to  the legislature                 
  as  the legislature  must approve  action.   She  asked what                 
  happens when the legislature isn't in session.                               
  MR.  SKIDMORE  said  he  supposes  it  would be  up  to  the                 
  committee to  either draft a provision for  a procedure that                 
  the railroad would follow  in the interim or amend  the bill                 
  to say the provision doesn't apply.                                          
  SENATOR DRUE PEARCE referred to the language in the bill and                 
  said  the corporation can't issue bonds or convey its entire                 
  interest in land  or incur debt  except for the  acquisition                 
  and maintenance of rolling stock and bonds and debt incurred                 
  through  a short-term, less  than one year,  line of credit.                 
  The railroad would  have to do  exactly the same thing  that                 
  other agencies of  the state do.   They have to plan  a head                 
  for  major purchases.   If they weren't able  to come to the                 
  legislature during the legislative  session, they would have                 
  to come before the legislature during the next session.                      
  SENATOR LINCOLN inquired as to whether the corporation would                 
  be able to purchase a car.  Senator Pearce said the cars are                 
  railroad  rolling  stock  and  they  wouldn't  count.    She                 
  referred to  page 7, lines 27  through 28, and  said you can                 
  incur  debt that does not apply to  rolling stock.  She said                 
  railroad cars can be purchased.                                              
  Mr. Hatfield said the locomotives are not rolling  stock nor                 
  are locomotive cranes, etc.  He said rolling stock is a term                 
  of art.  It  refers to a group of freight  or passenger cars                 
  and railroad cars only.  He  said as he interprets the bill,                 
  the corporation  would not  be able  to acquire  locomotives                 
  when they  come on  the market.   Further,  should there  be                 
  damage to one of their docks,  they might be able to get  it                 
  fixed but they wouldn't be able to borrow money directly for                 
  that.  Mr.  Hatfield said the  corporation is a  corporation                 
  meant to be self-sustaining.  There was continued discussion                 
  regarding the term "rolling stock."                                          
  CHAIRMAN SHARP said  he thinks  it is his  intention and  an                 
  obligation of the committee to weigh the  testimony and make                 
  decisions on proposed amendments.   He noted the bill  has a                 
  Senate  Finance  referral.    Chairman   Sharp  said  it  is                 
  intention  to  hold  the  legislation  until  the  following                 
  Tuesday.   He encouraged  that the  committee members  bring                 
  suggested  amendments to the next hearing  and noted he will                 
  take public testimony.                                                       
  SENATOR  LINCOLN  suggested  appointing  a  subcommittee  to                 
  devise   language  to  bring   back  to  the  Transportation                 
  SENATOR  KERTTULA indicated  concern  with creating  inhouse                 
  SENATOR  RANDY  PHILLIPS  asked  that  the  Alaska  Railroad                 
  Corporation supply the committee with page by page - line by                 
  line suggestions.                                                            
  CHAIRMAN SHARP said he believes that there are several areas                 
  of the bill that need serious  review and consideration.  He                 
  said he would check with  committee members to possibly have                 
  a work  session over  the weekend.   He  indicated the  bill                 
  would be heard again the following Tuesday.                                  

Document Name Date/Time Subjects